In the twentieth century, the monk Ephraim Arizona was asked many questions. The Holy Father also stood humbly and answered the questions of his neighbor. Do family members see each other after death? I think this issue will interest you.
I once asked St. Ephraim of Arizona if the souls in heaven communicate with each other.
He told me that the family members are together. They talk to each other and they praise and glorify the Lord for it.
Do relatives or friends know each other in the Kingdom of God?
He told me that his father had confessed and received communion before his death. Then he opened his eyes, smiled and happily said:
– I’m coming!… I’m coming!… I’m coming in two hours!…
Indeed, he left in exactly two hours. I looked at the clock.
In previous days, he used to say to my mother:
– Give this little child, who is not far from my room, sweets and kiss him.
My mother realized that he was seeing something supernatural, although he didn’t notice, and told him that it was her grandson, Anthimos.
But he answered calmly and with complete clarity of mind:
– No no! This is not an anthimos. This is Myron, my brother!
Myron was his little brother who left this country at a young age. Just four and a half years!
Now, God’s beloved little angel, he was sent by his love to cheer his big brother and accompany him lovingly on the great journey of eternity…”.
Many ask the question: Will relatives or friends gather in the Kingdom of God? The Fathers of the Church answer that yes, they will come to know each other. All the good feelings of men will be purified and transformed into spiritual love in Jesus, perfect love. We have many cases where God sends the soul that is going to him to his relatives, whom he loves, to stand by, cheer and encourage him. the soul on its way out.
Before going to eternity, many see them and say their names. However, the soul is provided with essential help, support and accompaniment, as well as its protection, by the holy angels sent by the Heavenly Father. Sometimes saints are sent for support. In this case, how much he pleased God with his life is of great importance, but God’s mercy is even more important.
So, if before death people mention the names of the departed and call them, don’t be afraid…
Source: Primetime