The story of Tracy Hermanstorfer, a resident of Colorado, is related to the miracle of Christmas night, writes the foreign press. When Tracy went into labor on Christmas Eve 2009, everything developed quickly.
A few minutes later, Tracy lost contact and soon stopped breathing. They could not revive him, doctors fought to save the child, but he was born dead.
It seemed like the worst Christmas present God could give anyone, and Tracy’s husband, Mike, began to brace himself for the fact that he had just lost everything. And then the impossible happened.
A dead child came back to life. Despite everything, doctors managed to save him. In most cases, this would have been a miracle, but as soon as the baby was revived, the mother began to breathe again.
Although he had no heartbeat, no brain activity, no blood pressure for the entire four minutes. Both made a full recovery and life did what it rarely does – it refused death.